The Encompass Vision
As we work to spread the love of Encompass throughout Estevan, we want you to join us on our mission. What is our mission, you ask?
Our Mission: to empower others to discover their potential through a positive, healthy, and well balanced lifestyle.
What does it mean to discover your potential? It means believing in yourself. It means having the courage to try new things. Hard things. Things you never thought were possible. It means stepping out of your comfort zone and stepping into a fearless territory full of excitement, sweat, dedication, and even sacrifice.
When we start to realize our own potential, we can begin encouraging others to discover their potential as well. When we are encouraging others, we begin to establish healthy relationships. We dig deep to push against ourselves, and work with our peers rather than against them. We establish a healthy community of individuals encouraging each other toward the goal of living a better life. A healthier life. An easier life. And that, my friend, is more of what this world needs.
You’re here, which means that we are so glad that you’ve already taken the first step towards becoming a better you. You may have just signed up for your first class, or maybe you’re well on your way to achieving your goals. Perhaps you haven’t believed in your ability to succeed. Wherever you’re at, there is always room to grow, to develop, to discover your full potential. Over the next few weeks we will be exploring our core values to define who we are, and encourage you to become the most excellent version of who you are. Our core values include growth and learning, positivity, encouragement, effort, and fundamentals or a solid foundation.
Until next time, commit to trying new things. To discovering your potential, and encouraging others to discover theirs.
“Start doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you will be doing the impossible” – Francis of Assisi