Where do I do my classes? 

You will be able to access all of your online classes in the website by going to

You have three class options, joining the class live, catching a replay of the live class (available for 24 hours), or utilizing the video library for classes on demand. 

For live classes: 

  • From the “classes” tab

For daily replays: 

  • From the “replay” tab 

For on-demand classes: 

  • From the “video library” tab 

What equipment do I need? 

We’ve designed the classes to require as little equipment as possible, however, you will want to find a few weights or household objects that you can use to get stronger, burn fat, and move better. We’ve put together a list of household items that you can access here if you don’t have any exercise equipment at home. 

If you would like to start your own collection of at-home equipment, we recommend a set of light to medium dumbbells, a set of medium to heavy dumbbells, and a kettlebell or something that you can swing, as well as a yoga mat to begin. Over time, you can add more weight ranges for dumbbells and kettlebells, and accessory items like bands, a foam roll, release ball. 

To tune in to the classes you will want a device that you can access to participate in classes. Some prefer to access these on a phone, iPad, or computer, while others prefer to go big on their television using a firestick, apple tv, streaming, or connecting their device to their television. 

As far as space, the more space the better, but you can get by on as little as 4’ x 6’ and still get a great workout! 

How do I book my classes? 

You will use your Wellness Living Achieve App to book your classes (and to log in and complete your classes - note that these are two separate accounts). 

To book a class, log in to your Wellness Living Achieve App, and click the “book now” button at the bottom left of the screen. 

  • Select the “Virtual Live Classes” if you are joining a live class offering and select your desired time.

  • If you will be completing the class at any other time of the day, select the “Virtual Replay Classes” and select the time frame you plan on completing the class (morning 8am-1pm, afternoon 1pm - 7pm, or evening 7pm - 10pm). 

Select “complete” to book your class. You can navigate to the “my schedule” tab at the bottom of the screen to see your upcoming booked classes. 

How do I check-in for classes? 

For both the online classes (replay and live) you will be automatically checked in for classes, so long as you have registered for the class. Why is registering and checking-in important? Three reasons: 

  1. It helps us know that you are participating in the classes, so we know when to reach out if you are struggling or not attending. 

  2. It’s a great way for us to know who is online so we can give you tips and suggestions and motivate you through your workout. 

  3. It helps to keep you accountable. When we know that you are registered you’re less likely to cancel on us, or yourself. 

What if I can’t make a class I was scheduled for? 

You can unregister or cancel a class before it begins. To do so, log into Wellness Living Achieve, head to “my schedule”, select “upcoming services”, and then select the class you would like to cancel by clicking the 3 dots, then “cancel”.

If the class time has already ended, you won’t be able to cancel your class, so we recommend choosing a video from the library and working out when you can to “make up” your class - even if it’s a 5-minute stretch. Something is always better than nothing ;) 

What if I want to attend a live class in Estevan at Encompass? 

We would love to have you for an in-studio class! You can register for a class at Encompass Fitness in Estevan using the “Classes” tab on Wellness Living. Upon booking the class, you will be prompted to pay for the class. As a member, you are eligible to receive our exclusive class rate. Use the promotion code COFIT10 to get your class for $10.00 (a 50% savings)! 

You won’t need any equipment - just yourself, your athletic wear, a clean pair of shoes and a water bottle.

What if I’m not seeing results? 

It can be frustrating if you’re putting in the work and effort and not seeing the results. 

First, it’s important to address some of the common causes of slowed, delayed, or a lack of results. If you’re not focused on your nutrition and moving your body 3-4 times per week, it is unlikely that you will get the results you desire. If you haven’t been following the personalized nutrition program on, we recommend starting there. To learn more about nutrition, we recommend the Ignite program, and if you struggle or have a history of dieting, emotional eating, over or under-eating, all-or-nothing mentality, or struggle in your relationship with food, the BLAST nutrition program with individual coaching will help you overcome these challenges and get lasting results. 

If you are following your nutrition to a tee and exercising consistently, there could potentially be other factors such as hormones for example, impeding weight loss. Many of our clients have had success following the advice of Gabby Moreno (you can find a seminar with her on and changing dietary and lifestyle habits. Many of our clients have also had great success working with Dr. Wendy Davis, a Naturopathic Doctor who can guide you through the process of helping to balance hormones within your body. 

The key factors to consider in weight loss and results are: 

  • Consistency: have you been consistent with your nutrition and diet? (90-100% adherence for results) 

  • Quantity: are you consuming the right amount for your energy requirements? 

  • Quality: are you consuming organic or grass-fed whole foods when possible? 

  • Sleep: are you consistently getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night 

  • Limiting caffeine and sugar: have you eliminated processed foods and reduced your sugar and caffeine intake? 

  • Have you cut out “CRAP” (carbonated drinks, refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, processed foods) from your diet? 

If so, we recommend seeking help from a medical or naturopathic doctor to investigate what other factors may be impeding results. 

What if I’m injured? 

Injuries can be a battle - both physically and mentally. If the injury is acute (severe and sudden onset) we recommend taking a few days to rest and recover. You’ll want to focus on nutrition and hydration to assist the healing process. Once the immediate pain has decreased or is alleviated, you may ease back into exercise with a stretch class or light workout from the workout library. 

If the injury is more chronic in nature (ongoing, achy, and flares up with certain movements or activities) we recommend continuing to exercise while listening to your body and utilizing modifications. Aim to keep moving, but not to push past or into the point of pain. If you find something is painful, we recommend either decreasing the intensity of the exercise (less weight, smaller range of movement/depth, substituting another movement that still

What if I’m on holidays? 

Fortunately, you can take with you anywhere! If you feel like getting in a workout or two, you’ll feel much more energized and possibly more toned and confident on your travels. If your body is telling you that you need a rest, no worries - stay active, move your body for 30 minutes a day, and enjoy the week off. Be sure to book your first class for when you return home so you fall right back into routine and avoid falling too far back. 

What if isn’t working or my video isn’t loading? 

Try refreshing the screen. If for some reason you aren’t able to get a live class or a replay to load, head to the library tab and select a workout that you can complete. If you have trouble with streaming or the internet, you may wish to download a few of the videos or let them load ahead of time. 

What if I forget my password? 

Not a problem! Head to and click “lost my password?” at the bottom of the screen. You will receive an email shortly with detailed instructions and a link to reset your password.