Covid-19 Updated Guidelines at Encompass Fitness
Updated COVID-19 Guidelines
Anyone experiencing symptoms such as fever, body aches, chills, loss of appetite, altered sense of smell and/or shortness of breath should refrain from attending class.
Members/Attendees with family members with the above symptoms are asked to refrain from attending class.
If you or someone you have been in contact with is waiting to be tested or is waiting for COVID test results, please refrain from attending class.
Contact 811 for guidelines and directions.
If feeling well enough, complete the on-line Facebook class and check in on Wellness Living.
Once you are symptom-free with no fever for 48 hours, we can’t wait to have you come back to class.
If you have traveled out of the country, or to a high-risk area within the country, we ask that you self isolate for two weeks and complete online workouts before returning to the studio.
Please see the Government of Saskatchewan self-assessment screening tool or seek assistance from 811 for further recommendations pertaining to symptoms of Covid-19.
Additional Recommendations:
In addition to these guidelines, if at any time you feel unsafe venturing out into the community, or want to err on the side of caution, we would love to have you join us for a virtual workout or catch the recording online.
If you are unable to attend a scheduled class due to the above reasons, please let us know of your class absence by texting (306) 801-0875.