
The best valentine's gift you can give someone trying to become healthier

Support your sweetheart.png

Valentines is about letting the special people in your life know that you care about them.

It’s a day for chocolates, flowers, cards, and appreciation.

Chocolates get eaten and flowers will wilt away... but there is something that you can give your sweetheart to show them how much you care and support them that is surprisingly easier than you think and doesn’t cost a cent. 

That thing…

is your support. 

We polled a number of our members attempting to adopt healthier exercise and nutrition habits and be their best selves.

The number one thing they wished for? 

Support from their other half. 

“To have support and encouragement and be told I’m doing a good job” 

“I wish my husband participated with me so we could get in shape together” 

“I wish they wouldn’t open chips around me when they know I am trying not to eat them lol” 

“I wish they would notice the hard work I put in and the changes I’ve made”

Fortunately, it’s not complicated.

To some, support is being there with words of encouragement and cheering them on in their journey.

Let your significant other know that you notice the effort that they are putting in, compliment them on their discipline and dedication, encourage them to get up and hit the gym instead of hitting snooze, notice the changes they’ve made and generally support them using kind and encouraging words (even if words ‘aren’t your thing’…. do your best and remember that it’s not about you - it’s about supporting your partner and they might just be dying for some support and affirmation).

To others, support is most appreciated by small acts of service or helping them to make healthier habits and choices.

Offer to watch the kids, cook a meal, or do other tasks and that help your sweetheart have time to focus on their health or hit the gym. This might also mean offering to pick up groceries, having a coffee or healthy smoothie ready for them when they walk in the door from the gym, or any other task you can think of that lets them know that you support them and want them to be successful with their goals.

For many, quality time and making healthier choices together would trump flowers, cards, and chocolates any day.

Going through a transition to adopting a healthy lifestyle is challenging as it is and even more challenging when you are going it alone or have a partner who isn’t willing to encourage you or get on board themselves. Many of our members at Encompass exercise as couples; strengthening their bodies, improving their health, sharing time together, and most importantly encouraging, supporting, and holding each other accountable. Plus, studies have proven that couples who exercise together have better results - and, it’s no surprise that it’s easier to eat healthier when you’re both on the same page. 

Joining your partner on their journey by choosing healthier food choices, or joining them at the gym isn’t just meaningful to them - it’s beneficial for you! Put your excuses and fears aside and support your partner as you help them change their life and improve yours.

For those that really love receiving gifts, they may be most excited by receiving a gift that shows them that you care and support them.

Purchase them a gift card for a gym membership, a massage to relax and relieve sore muscles, or new exercise gear or wearable technology like a whoop, fitbit, or wireless headphones to get them even more motivated to continue their health journey and validate your support of it as well. Plus, they will think of you each time they use their gift!

If you are familiar with love languages and know your partner's Love Language use the above suggestions to show your partner how much you care about them. If you aren’t familiar with Love Languages (a life changer in relationships) take the free quiz here to better understand how your partner best receives love and feels valued.

Though they won’t often ask for it, your support of their healthier lifestyle is greatly appreciated and goes a long way. It can be hard travelling a road alone - it’s much easier when you have someone with you for the journey, or at least know you have someone cheering for you. 

Not sure where to begin to support your partner?


The simple phrase and question

“Hey good looking, you’ve been working really hard. How can I better support you with your health and fitness?”

will speak volumes and get you much further than cards, chocolates, or flowers. 

Even better - follow up with it. Continue to support them. Offer to join them at the gym or “try” out a partner workout - you might be surprised at how strong they are, how great they look when they are sweating, and how much you enjoy it too! For bonus points, don’t complain when they try a new healthy recipe or ask them to cook multiple meals (becoming healthier is hard enough as it is for them - cook your own damn unhealthy meals), don’t eat the chips and ice cream right in front of them, and stop encouraging them to go out for wings or stay home and sit on the couch when they are debating on whether or not they should go to the gym.

A healthy wife (or husband) is one of the greatest gifts you can have - let them know it!