
A Plan That Sticks

A Plan That Sticks

That first step is the scariest but also the one that makes all of the difference! Deanna began her journey with the Life Nutrition Program and soon discovered that healthy eating shouldn’t be hard or a quick fix. To learn about the rest of her journey, keep reading!

I Can Do Anything I Put My Mind To

I Can Do Anything I Put My Mind To

“I can do anything I put my mind to.” Theresa began her fitness journey with Small Group Training 5 months ago. Since then, she has lost over 50 pounds and gone down 2 clothing sizes. All while improving her health and doing things she never thought possible.

Better Together - How Small Group Training Can Change your Life!

Better Together - How Small Group Training Can Change your Life!

They first met when they took the big step of coming to Encompass Fitness. They ended up spending every Monday and Wednesday training together for 6 months and developed an unbreakable bond and even better results. Read how they gained confidence in so many areas and a life-long friendship.