Realistic Weight Loss
You're Not Alone
Fearful and Afraid of stepping into a gym?
Afraid of judgement... Afraid of the unknown... Afraid of failure.
When it comes to setting new goals, and stepping out of our comfort zones, these are often the first emotions and subconscious thoughts that we are faced with. The magnitude of these are multiplied when we have been there before and have experienced failure. In fact, I know many people who stop setting goals and new years resolutions simply because they have grown tired of feeling like a failure.
These fears are particularly relevant when setting goals to become healthier, fitter, or just shedding a few pounds. The thought of stepping into a gym can be terrifying. What if I don't know what I am doing? What if people judge me?
When it comes to the fear of entering a gym, you're not alone.
We all face it. Even though I have been in the fitness industry for years and have loved to exercise all my life, I still get nervous every single time I enter a new gym. I am afraid of being judged. Afraid of not knowing how to use a machine. Afraid that I will stand out, or look like a fool aimlessly wandering around trying to find what I am looking for.
One day, it dawned on me.
If this is how I feel entering a new gym... how does a beginner feel?
It was that day that I vowed to create a different experience. One where every single person felt welcome, empowered, and free of judgement. A place where you could start at whatever level you were at, and feel comfortable doing so. A place where you could learn new movements, and try things you never believed you were capable of. A place where you were welcomed into the community, and never thought twice about what other people were thinking. A place you could envision your goals, and actually see them come true.
This is what Encompass Fitness stands for, and this is what Encompass Fitness does. It has been an absolute privilege to see others become happier and healthier versions of themselves.
“When you're scared, you stay as you are!”
― Stephen Richards
If this is true, to change, you just need to eliminate fear. I believe that you are able to achieve your goals this year. Even if you have tried 100 times, and have failed 100 times. This time, the 101st time, it can be different. You see, just because you "fail" at something... it doesn't mean you're a failure. Just because you have fat.. does not mean you are "fat". Stop letting nouns define what you see yourself as. This year, try stepping out and facing your fears afraid - I can PROMISE you that it will be worth it. I am here for you every step of the way, because I understand where you are.
If you think you're ready to push past some of your fears, and take a step forward, I want to hear from you. Click here to schedule an appointment with me. We can talk about where you are at now, and where you would like to go. You don't have to stay where you are, and you don't have to stay unhappy.
Grocery Shopping 101
80% of health and weight loss comes from nutrition. But before you can start eating healthy, you have to learn how to shop healthy!
Here are our top tips for navigating the grocery store and setting your meal preparation, and your week of nutritional success.
Tips For Being a Professional Shopper:
1. Know Before You Go
What is it that you need? Break your list into macronutrient categories. For example, Protein, Carbohydrates, Healthy Fats, and Miscellaneous items (think herbs, spices, etc... not things down the junk aisle). Personally, I arrange my grocery list in order of the items and aisles at the grocery store (I am sure that I could shop blindfolded).
2. Shop the Perimeter
Did you know that the whole food options surround the entire grocery store? Start here. Make one lap around the outside of the grocery store, picking up all of your essential items. Most, if not all of your items should come from this area, with the exception of any frozen vegetables and fruits. After you have shopped the perimeter, venture down any aisles that you know that you need items from. Stay away from aisles you don't need anything from. Purposeful shopping will help keep us on track nutritionally, and financially.
3. Don't Shop Hungry
You've heard it before, and I'll tell you again. Do not shop on an empty stomach. Studies have shown that customers who shop on an empty stomach not only purchase more, but also purchase items that are not on their list, and items that are less nutritionally dense. Surprisingly, this is proven not only in the grocery store, but across the spectrum. One study concluded that even when shopping for office supplies, customers were likely to purchase more items, and spend more money when hungry. Eat your healthy snack, and then shop for best results.
4. Read Labels
While you may feel silly picking up multiple items and comparing the food labels, it will make a significant difference in your waistline. Labels can be extremely misleading. As a general rule of thumb, choose items with the least amount of ingredients (5 or less), and with ingredients that you can pronounce. While many disclaimers can be misleading ("low fat", "sugar free", "low calorie") look at the macronutrient values, the sugar and sodium contents, and the serving size. Sobey's "blue label" items are often wise choices when compared to other brand label choices such as pasta sauces and canned items.
5. Go Local
When possible, look for local, natural, and organic sources when available. The local farmer's market in the summer is a great place to get local produce and establish connections. Although not all farmers markets run year round, you can often contact them to purchase farm raised eggs or look for locally grown grain products at select stores in the community. Here, you can purchase many locally grown items at Nutter's.
6. Clip Coupons
Extreme Coupon-ing isn't only for television. Look at flyers ahead of time and make your lists according to the flyers. There are often key items on sale, and you can even begin to catch on to the rotating sales. For example, chicken breasts cycle on sale every 3-4 weeks, so I will stock up, portion some out in freezer bags and be set until the next sale.
7. Get Creative
I try to look at the flyer each week, and choose one item that is on sale, or one new item I don't regularly purchase, and try to come up with a healthy and creative way to cook it. Sometimes I use my own cravings and creativity, and sometimes I will use pinterest for inspiration. For example, cauliflower was on sale, so I bought a head and made cauliflower buffalo bites by broiling cauliflower in the oven and then tossing it in a mixture of greek yogurt, ranch spices and franks red hot. I also bought a rutabaga and made rosemary parmesan "fries" by slicing up the rutabaga, tossing it in parmesan olive oil, fresh rosemary, and sprinking with fresh parmesan and then roasting it in the oven until the fries were crisp. Incorporating new foods is fun, and is key in keeping variety in the diet - both for sanity and nutrient wise. Eating the same foods day in and day out can actually lead to nutritional deficiencies.
Smart shopping is essential to keeping nutritious foods stocked and readily available.
The Most Important Workout You Can Do This Week
If you're serious about getting results, there is one workout that will help you more than anything else. It doesn't involve burpees, running, or even heavy lifting. The most important workout that you can ever do is not even performed in the gym, it takes place in the grocery store, and the kitchen.
Time and time again, I hear people say, "I don't have time to eat healthy", "I don't have time to meal prep", and to those new to fitness and nutrition, "well, I'm exercising, so I don't need to eat healthy". Yet, I often see these very same individuals at the studio multiple times a week.
I understand what it is like to be busy, to be run off your feet, living off of coffee and pre-workouts just to survive the work-week and still make time to exercise. But if you've ever been there, or this is you. I want you to do something, I want you to skip your next workout.
You heard me. I want you to skip your next workout.
If you do not have your nutrition planned for the week, meals prepared and ready to go, or time carved out this week to prepare and eat nutritious meals, then you need to skip your next workout and prioritize your nutrition instead.
While this may seem like a foreign concept, when you do the math, it makes complete sense. Sure, you can burn anywhere from 300 calories and up per fitness class. But there are also 3500 calories in one pound of fat. And if you're not prepared and making poor food choices during the week, you will most likely be taking in additional calories above and beyond the amount that you will burn during a single workout.
Therefore, the best way you can invest in your health, and your overall achievement of your goals is to skip one workout, and invest your time in setting yourself up for a weeks worth of nutritional success. Now, if you have the time in your schedule, your week is planned and your meals are prepared, I fully expect to see you at all of your regularly scheduled fitness classes, and achieving your fitness and nutritional goals.
Even if it's taking an hour, running to the grocery store and picking up a deli roasted chicken, and some pre-cut vegetables and portioning them into a few meals, every little effort to setting yourself up for success counts.
Find meal prepping stressful, boring, or extremely time consuming? Join us next week for our blog on the best and easiest meal preparation plans, tips, and ideas.
TDC Winner: Lance Merrien
We just wrapped up our third TakeDown Challenge, and the results are staggering. Altogether, the participants lost a total of 512 pounds (...and counting!). The challenge is a nutrition initiative, but includes a fitness component as well to focus on healthy habits and implementing a healthier lifestyle for long term health and weight loss. This go-around, we had our first male winner, losing 23 pounds of fat, 8.8% of his body fat percentage, and gaining 3 pounds of lean muscle mass was Lance Merrien.
Word of Wisdom from the 2016 Fall TDC Winner:
"I signed up for the TakeDown Challenge because I was tired of my clothes not fitting and feeling so lethargic all of the time. I really just needed a boost to get me going. Thanks to the amazing group of people at Encompass Fitness Studio and the support of all of the participants, everything became an entire lifestyle transformation.
The meals and recipes were delicious, and I never felt deprived. I loved that the program didn't restrict anything. Now, I have tons of energy, and I am considering doing a Spartan race next spring."
Lance's #1 Fitness Tip:
Stick with it. I got discouraged that I had no results after week one. It's definitely a commitment, but habits can be made in 4-5 weeks so what seems so hard at first isn't even a second thought by the end. The best part was really the change in me, both physically and emotionally. Once my energy started to come back during the program I started enjoying the classes more, pushing myself harder, and loving it all. Yay Burpees!! (editor's note: Lance really did write that. No editing here.)
Health for Haiti
"The Challenge alone already has me well on my way to achieving my goals, so I wanted to do something that would give back, and help another person to achieve their goals as well. I have decided to auction off my winnings and donate the proceeds to the victims of the Haiti Hurricane. My church is really involved with the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, and I saw this as another opportunity to help." - Lance Merrien, Fall 2016 TDC Winner
To learn more about how you can bid on Lance's prizes, valued at over $500.00, contact Lance at
A Fitness "RoadTrip": The essentials for Success.
Real People. Real Results; Meet Wanda.
“I feel better.”
Three simple words.
Three words that describe what the TakeDown Challenge and now, the TakeDown Lifestyle have done for me.
When I first learned of the Challenge in early January, I thought, “Why not? I could stand to lose a few pounds.” Little did I know that joining the Challenge would impact my life is such a positive way.
Gone are the days of eating chips and dip regularly in the evening. Gone are the days of eating extra-buttery microwave popcorn. Gone are the days of eating just for the sake of eating. Does it sound like I’m denying myself? Perhaps to some. But I’ve learned healthy eating and regular exercise is worth it. Why?
I was a regular migraine sufferer, having migraines that could last four days or so. Migraines that felt like someone was pulling on my eyeball and made me feel like doing nothing. Since following the TakeDown Challenge, I have had one migraine. Just one migraine in 4+ months!! I firmly believe it’s the results of the healthier lifestyle habits I’ve developed.
Other positive results – I’m sleeping better, I have more energy, my clothes fit better and best of all, I’ve met many new friends at Encompass who encourage and support each other.
Please remember, the TakeDown Challenge isn’t a diet. You get to enjoy so many yummy foods and snacks like smoothies, French toast, Mexican chicken soup, steak salads, Greek chicken pizza, beef jerky, and peanut butter protein balls. I honestly don’t even crave the “junk food” anymore.
But I’m saving the best for last. I cannot say enough about the staff at Encompass Fitness. Through this all they have been positive, encouraging, ready to answer any questions, supportive and motivate us to be the best that we can be, even if we don’t think we can do it at times. Brady, and staff have made me realize how my health has to be a priority, and is one that I enjoy taking care of.
- Wanda, TDC Participant
Sign up NOW to join the TakeDown Challenge and you too can change how you look and feel.
Meet Carolyn, the creator of the TakeDown Challenge. For more information, or to see if the TakeDown Challenge is right for you, click here.
5 Tips for the Canada Day Weekend
It's the long weekend, which is a reason to go a little off track and celebrate, Right? I mean, you ate great and exercised Monday through Thursday, so what's the big deal? We know that balance and moderation are the keys to enjoying a fulfilling life. However, it's also important to keep your goals in mind.
Imagine, shovelling a hole. Picture yourself digging diligently, working hard. You continue to dig for 5 days and you're making some good progress. It doesn't make much sense to start shovelling the dirt back in the hole on the sixth day, does it? However, in terms of our nutrition we often find ourselves doing this weekend after weekend. I see so many people work their buns off all week long only to undo what they have worked so hard for, and fail to achieve the results they desire.
I'm not encouraging you to toss all idea's of fun and enjoyment out the window, but with a few tips you can ensure you stay closer to your goals, and look and feel better come Monday morning.
5 Long Weekend Health Tips:
The long weekend is for travelling, relaxing, and getting away. Follow our 5 suggestions to keep on track over the holiday.
At a BBQ:
While we can't control what the host serves, we can be a lovely guest and bring a healthy, homemade dish or salad. Your host will appreciate the gesture, and you will have piece of mind knowing that you will at least have one healthy option to choose from.
At the Lake:
Packing a cooler of beverages seems like a no-brainer. But a cooler with fruits and vegetables, well that just seems too difficult. It doesn't have to be! Chop a few fruits and vegetables, or toss a few pieces of fruit into a cooler on ice. You'll look and feel much better on the beach, and have less crumbs to clean up. Win!
Around the Camp Fire:
Hot-dogs, S'mores, and treats galore. You don't have to opt out of everything. Look for healthier alternatives such as turkey or chicken dogs and smokies, which often have 1/3 of the fat and fillers. Bonus points if you skip the bun! Don't like all of the sugar in marshmallows? I grew up cooking a slice of bacon by weaving it through the stick - the open flame burns off most of the fat.
On the Road:
Pack Snacks! Not only are gas station treats full of added fat, sugar, and sodium, they are expensive! Throw in a bag of veggie crisps, fresh fruits and vegetables, or your favourite peanut butter balls. No snacks on hand? Buy Beef Jerky. With over 15 grams of protein per ounce and little fat and carbohydrates, it is definitely your best bet. Worried about the sodium? Look for the low-sodium original flavours.
At the Parade:
Like all things, a bit of candy in moderation is not going to hurt anyone. However if your toddler turns into the tasmanian devil after one too many suckers, make them a deal. Allow them to "trade in" their candy and put it towards a toy that they have been eyeing up. Preferably one that encourages them to be active outdoors - think water guns, sidewalk chalk, etc. Rest assured, a trip to the toy aisle should be cheaper than a trip to the dentist.
Away from the Gym?
Grab a deck of playing cards and get ready to sweat! The Deck of Cards is one of our favourite workouts and is perfect for when you're away from the gym. Shuffle the cards and turn them face down. Flip one card at a time. The suit of the card corresponds with the exercise, and the number on the card dictates the number of repetitions. Snap a picture of your workout in the 'great outdoors' and send us your Canada Day Workout Photo!